#htmlcaption1 A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor’s book. Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness. #htmlcaption2 A fit body, a calm mind, a house full of love. These things cannot be bought – they must be earned.

Thursday, March 3, 2022

44 Healthy Low-Carb Foods That Taste Incredible

Eating fewer carbs can have impressive health benefits.
It has been shown to significantly reduce hunger levels, which tends to lead to automatic weight loss, without the need for calorie counting (12).
At least 23 studies have found that low-carb diets can cause up to 2–3 times more weight loss than low-fat diets (34).
Decreasing your carb intake can also have numerous other health benefits, such as reducing your blood sugar, blood pressure and triglycerides or improving your “good” HDL cholesterol (5678910).
Plus, eating low-carb doesn’t have to be complicated.
Simply base your diet around real foods that are low in carbs to lose weight and improve your health.
Here are 44 low-carb foods, most of which are healthy, nutritious and incredibly delicious.

44 Healthy Low-Carb FoodsShare on Pinterest

The carb content for a standard serving and the number of carbs in a 100-gram portion are listed at the end of each chapter.
However, keep in mind that some of these foods are high in fiber, which may lower the digestible net carb content even further.

Eggs and all types of meat are close to zero carb. Organ meats are an exception, such as liver, which contains about 5% carbs (13).

Eggs (Almost Zero)

Eggs are among the healthiest and most nutritious foods on the planet.
They’re loaded with various nutrients — including some that are important for your brain — and compounds that can improve eye health (1112).
Carbs: almost zero.

Beef (Zero)

Beef is highly satiating and loaded with important nutrients like iron and vitamin B12. There are dozens of different types of beef, from ribeye steak to ground beef to hamburger.
Carbs: zero.

Lamb (Zero)

Like beef, lamb contains many beneficial nutrients, including iron and vitamin B12. Lamb is often grass-fed, and tends to be high in the beneficial fatty acid conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) (14).
Carbs: zero.

Chicken (Zero)

Chicken is among the world's most popular meats. It’s high in many beneficial nutrients and an excellent source of protein.
If you're on a low-carb diet, it may be a better choice to go for fattier cuts like wings and thighs.
Carbs: zero.

Pork, Including Bacon (Usually Zero)

Pork is another delicious type of meat, and bacon is a favorite of many low-carb dieters.
Bacon is a processed meat, and therefore definitely not a health food. However, it’s generally acceptable to eat moderate amounts of bacon on a low-carb diet.
Try to buy your bacon locally, without artificial ingredients, and make sure not to burn it during cooking.
Carbs: zero, but read the label and avoid bacon that is cured with sugar.

Jerky (Usually Zero)

Jerky is meat that has been cut into strips and dried. As long as it doesn't contain added sugar or artificial ingredients, jerky can be a perfect low-carb snack food.
However, keep in mind that a lot of the jerky available at stores is highly processed and unhealthy. Your best bet is to make your own.
Carbs: Depends on the type. If it's purely meat and seasoning then it should be close to zero.

Other Low-Carb Meats

  • Turkey
  • Veal
  • Venison
  • Bison

Fish and other seafoods tend to be incredibly nutritious and healthy.
They’re particularly high in B12, iodine and omega-3 fatty acids — all nutrients of which many people don't get enough.
Like meat, almost all types of fish and seafood contain next to no carbs.

Salmon (Zero)

Salmon is one of the most popular types of fish among health-conscious individuals — for good reason.
It’s a fatty fish, which means it contains significant amounts of heart-healthy fats — in this case omega-3 fatty acids.
Salmon is also loaded with vitamin B12, iodine and a decent amount of vitamin D3.
Carbs: zero.

Trout (Zero)

Like salmon, trout is a type of fatty fish that is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids and other important nutrients.
Carbs: zero.

Sardines (Zero)

Sardines are oily fish that are generally eaten almost whole, including their bones.
Sardines are among the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet and contain almost every single nutrient that you body needs.
Carbs: zero.

Shellfish (4–5% Carbs)

It’s a shame that shellfish rarely makes it onto people's daily menus, as they’re one of the world's most nutritious foods.
In fact, they rank close to organ meats in their nutrient density and are low in carbs.
Carbs: 4–5 grams of carbs per 100 grams of shellfish.

Other Low-Carb Fish and Seafood

  • Shrimp
  • Haddock
  • Lobster
  • Herring
  • Tuna
  • Cod
  • Catfish
  • Halibut

Most vegetables are low in carbs. Leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables have particularly low levels, and the majority of their carbs consist of fiber.
On the other hand, starchy root vegetables like potatoes and sweet potatoes are high in carbs.

Broccoli (7%)

Broccoli is a tasty cruciferous vegetable that can be eaten both raw and cooked. It’s high in vitamin C, vitamin K and fiber and contains potent cancer-fighting plant compounds.
Carbs: 6 grams per cup, or 7 grams per 100 grams.

Tomatoes (4%)

Tomatoes are technically fruits or berries but usually eaten as vegetables. They’re high in vitamin C and potassium.
Carbs: 7 grams in a large tomato, or 4 grams per 100 grams.

Onions (9%)

Onions are among the tastiest plants on Earth and add powerful flavor to your recipes. They’re high in fiber, antioxidants and various anti-inflammatory compounds.
Carbs: 11 grams per cup, or 9 grams per 100 grams.

Brussels Sprouts (7%)

Brussels sprouts are highly nutritious vegetables, related to broccoli and kale.
They’re very high in vitamins C and K and contain numerous beneficial plant compounds.
Carbs: 6 grams per half cup, or 7 grams per 100 grams.

Cauliflower (5%)

Cauliflower is a tasty and versatile vegetable that can be used to make various interesting dishes in your kitchen.
It’s high in vitamin C, vitamin K and folate.
Carbs: 5 grams per cup, and 5 grams per 100 grams.

Kale (10%)

Kale is a very popular vegetable among health-conscious individuals, offering numerous health benefits.
It’s loaded with fiber, vitamins C and K, as well as carotene antioxidants.
Carbs: 7 grams per cup, or 10 grams per 100 grams.

Eggplant (6%)

Eggplant is another fruit that is commonly consumed as a vegetable. It has many interesting uses and is very high in fiber.
Carbs: 5 grams per cup, or 6 grams per 100 grams.

Cucumber (4%)

Cucumber is a popular vegetable with a mild flavor. It consists mostly of water, with a small amount of vitamin K.
Carbs: 2 grams per half cup, or 4 grams per 100 grams.

Bell Peppers (6%)

Bell peppers are popular fruits/vegetables with a distinct and satisfying flavor. They’re very high in fiber, vitamin C and carotene antioxidants.
Carbs: 9 grams per cup, or 6 grams per 100 grams.

Asparagus (2%)

Asparagus is a highly delicious spring vegetable.
It’s very high in fiber, vitamin C, folate, vitamin K and carotene antioxidants.
What’s more, it’s very high in protein, compared to most vegetables.
Carbs: 3 grams per cup, or 2 grams per 100 grams.

Green Beans (7%)

Green beans are technically legumes, but they’re usually consumed in a similar manner as vegetables.
Calorie for calorie, they’re extremely high in many nutrients, including fiber, protein, vitamin C, vitamin K, magnesium and potassium.
Carbs: 8 grams per cup, or 7 grams per 100 grams.

Mushrooms (3%)

Though they’re technically not plants, edible mushrooms are often categorized as vegetables.
They contain decent amounts of potassium and are high in some B vitamins.
Carbs: 3 grams per cup, and 3 grams per 100 grams (white mushrooms).

Other Low-Carb Vegetables

  • Celery
  • Spinach
  • Zucchini
  • Swiss chard
  • Cabbage
With the exception of starchy root vegetables, almost all vegetables are low in carbs. That’s why you can eat a lot of them without going over your carb limit.

Though fruits are generally perceived as being healthy, they’re highly controversial among people following a low-carb diet.
That's because most fruits tend to be high in carbs, compared to vegetables.
Depending on how many carbs you are aiming for, you may want to restrict your fruit intake to 1–2 pieces per day.
However, this does not apply to fatty fruits like avocados or olives. Low-sugar berries, such as strawberries, are another excellent choice.

Avocado (8.5%)

The avocado is a unique type of fruit. Instead of being high in carbs, it’s loaded with healthy fats.
Avocados are also extremely high in fiber and potassium and contain decent amounts of other nutrients.
When looking at the listed carb numbers below, keep in mind that the majority, or about 78% of the carbs in avocado are fiber. Therefore, it contains almost no digestible net carbs.
Carbs: 13 grams per cup, or 8.5 grams per 100 grams.

Olives (6%)

The olive is another delicious high-fat fruit. It’s very high in iron and copper and contains a decent amount of vitamin E.
Carbs: 2 grams per ounce, or 6 grams per 100 grams.

Strawberries (8%)

Strawberries are among the lowest-carb and most nutrient-dense fruits you can eat. They’re very high in vitamin C, manganese and various antioxidants.
Carbs: 11 grams per cup, or 8 grams per 100 grams.

Grapefruit (11%)

Grapefruits are citrus fruits that are related to oranges. They’re very high in vitamin C and carotene antioxidants.
Carbs: 13 grams in half a grapefruit, or 11 grams per 100 grams.

Apricots (11%)

The apricot is an incredibly delicious fruit. Each apricot contains few carbohydrates but plenty of vitamin C and potassium.
Carbs: 8 grams in two apricots, or 11 grams per 100 grams.

Other Low-Carb Fruits

  • Lemons
  • Kiwis
  • Oranges
  • Mulberries
  • Raspberries

Nuts and seeds are very popular on low-carb diets. They tend to be low in carbs, but high in fat, fiber, protein and various micronutrients.
Nuts are often eaten as snacks, while seeds are rather used for adding crunch to salads or recipes.
In addition, nut and seed flours, such as almond flour, coconut flour and flaxseed meal, are often used to make low-carb breads and other baked goods.

Almonds (22%)

Almonds are incredibly tasty and crunchy.
They’re loaded with fiber and vitamin E and are one of the world's best sources of magnesium, a mineral that most people don't get enough of.
What’s more, almonds are incredibly filling and have been shown to promote weight loss in some studies (1516).
Carbs: 6 grams per ounce, or 22 grams per 100 grams.

Walnuts (14%)

The walnut is another delicious type of nut.
It contains various nutrients and is particularly high in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a type of omega-3 fatty acid.
Carbs: 4 grams per ounce, or 14 grams per 100 grams.

Peanuts (16%)

Peanuts are technically legumes, but tend to be prepared and consumed like nuts.
They’re very high in fiber, magnesium, vitamin E and other important vitamins and minerals.
Carbs: 5 grams per ounce, or 16 grams per 100 grams.

Chia Seeds (44%)

Chia seeds are currently among the world's most popular health foods.
They’re loaded with many important nutrients and can be used in various low-carb-friendly recipes.
What’s more, they’re one of the richest sources of dietary fiber on the planet.
When looking at the listed carb numbers below, keep in mind that about 86% of the carbs in chia seeds are fiber. Therefore, they contain very few digestible net carbs.
Carbs: 12 grams per ounce, or 44 grams per 100 grams.

Other Low-Carb Nuts and Seeds

  • Hazelnuts
  • Macadamia nuts
  • Cashews
  • Coconuts
  • Pistachios
  • Flaxseeds
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Sunflower seeds

If you tolerate dairy, then full-fat dairy products are excellent low-carb foods. Nonetheless, be sure to read the label and avoid anything with added sugar.

Cheese (1.3%)

Cheese is one of the tastiest low-carb foods and can be eaten both raw and as an ingredient in various delicious recipes. It pairs particularly well with meat, such as on top of a bunless burger.
Cheese is also highly nutritious. A single thick slice contains a similar amount of nutrients as an entire glass of milk.
Carbs: 0.4 grams per slice, or 1.3 grams per 100 grams (cheddar).

Heavy Cream (3%)

Heavy cream contains very few carbs and little protein, but it’s high in dairy fat.
Some people on a low-carb diet put it in their coffee or use it in recipes. A bowl of berries with some whipped cream can be a delicious low-carb dessert.
Carbs: 1 gram per ounce, or 3 grams per 100 grams.

Full-Fat Yogurt (5%)

Full-fat yogurt is exceptionally healthy, containing many of the same nutrients as whole milk.
Yet, thanks to its live cultures, yogurt is also packed with beneficial probiotic bacteria.
Carbs: 11 grams per 8-ounce container, or 5 grams per 100 grams.

Greek Yogurt (4%)

Greek yogurt, also called strained yogurt, is very thick compared to regular yogurt. It’s very high in many beneficial nutrients, especially protein.
Carbs: 6 grams per 6-ounce container, or 4 grams per 100 grams.

Many healthy fats and oils are acceptable on a low-carb, real-food-based diet.
However, avoid refined vegetable oils like soybean or corn oil, as these are very unhealthy when consumed in excess.

Butter (Zero)

Once demonized for its high saturated fat content, butter has been making a comeback. Choose grass-fed butter if you can, since it’s higher in certain nutrients.
Carbs: zero.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Zero)

Extra virgin olive oil is the healthiest fat on the planet.
It’s a staple on the heart-healthy Mediterranean diet, loaded with powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds.
Carbs: zero.

Coconut Oil (Zero)

Coconut oil is a very healthy fat, packed with medium-chain fatty acids that have powerful beneficial effects on your metabolism.
These fatty acids have been shown to reduce appetite, boost fat burning and help people lose belly fat (17181920).
Carbs: zero.

Other Low-Carb Friendly Fats

  • Avocado oil
  • Lard
  • Tallow

Most sugar-free beverages are perfectly acceptable on a low-carb diet.
Keep in mind that fruit juices are very high in sugar and carbs and should be avoided.

Water (Zero)

Water should be your go-to beverage, no matter what the rest of your diet looks like.
Carbs: zero.

Coffee (Zero)

Despite having been demonized in the past, coffee is actually very healthy and one of the biggest source of dietary antioxidants.
What’s more, coffee drinkers have been shown to live longer and have a lower risk of several serious diseases, including type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's (212223242526).
Just make sure not to add anything unhealthy to your coffee — black is best, but some full-fat milk or heavy cream is fine as well.
Carbs: zero.

Tea (Zero)

Tea, especially green tea, has been studied quite thoroughly and shown to have various impressive health benefits. It may even slightly boost fat burning (2728).
Carbs: zero.

Club Soda / Carbonated Water (Zero)

Club soda is basically water with added carbon dioxide. It’s perfectly acceptable as long as it’s sugar free. Read the label to make sure.
Carbs: zero.

Lastly, here are some foods that don’t quite fit any other category.

Dark Chocolate

This may surprise some people, but quality dark chocolate is a perfect low-carb treat.
Choose real dark chocolate with at least 70–85% cocoa content. This ensures that it doesn’t contain much sugar.
Dark chocolate has numerous benefits, such as improved brain function and blood pressure (2930).
Studies also show that people who eat dark chocolate have a much lower risk of heart disease (31).
When looking at the listed carb numbers below, keep in mind that about 25% of the carbs in dark chocolate are fiber, which lowers the total digestible net carb content.
Carbs: 13 grams per 1-ounce piece, or 46 grams per 100 grams. This depends on the type, so make sure to read the label.

Herbs, Spices and Condiments

There is an endless variety of delicious herbs, spices and condiments. Most of them are very low in carbs but pack a powerful nutritional punch and help add flavor to your meals.
Some notable examples include salt, pepper, garlic, ginger, cinnamon, mustard and oregano.
If you want to learn more, check out this article on 10 delicious herbs and spices with powerful health benefits.

Eating fewer carbs can have impressive health benefits and doesn’t have to be complicated.
Most low-carbs foods are healthy, nutritious and incredibly delicious.
What’s more, they’re highly diverse, covering many major food categories, including meats, fish, vegetables, fruits, dairy products and many more.
A healthy, low-carb diet based on real foods can help you lose weight and improve your health.

Wednesday, March 2, 2022


In today’s time, there is a whole variety of diets one can try to lose and maintain weight. Many people can easily try some of the most popular ways to get back into shape solely through quick research on the internet. One of the most common diets is the ketogenic diet.
From celebrities to fitness gurus, every other person tries the keto or ketogenic diet. Even the common people are obsessed with it. Why is this so? The prevalence of this particular diet is due to its drastic results. No other diet gives results as fast in such a short period of time!
In addition, it has also seen to be helpful for people suffering from a number of medical conditions. Since keto is immensely popular, the majority of the brands and companies have launched their keto-special products. This includes wide ranges of alternatives to everyday foods that are also keto-friendly.
Hence, it is easier to follow a keto-based routine now. However, many people want even faster results, especially those who need to look their best for some ceremony or upcoming event.
For this purpose, supplements for the keto diet are also available, which can definitely speed up the results of the diet. But not all of them are safe and worth it. It is important to stay cautious while buying keto supplements.
One of the most commonly used supplements so far is Keto Pure Diet. Have you heard a lot about these pills in your keto group but are not sure whether to try it or not? Read more to know details of how this supplement works and may help in your keto journey.

What is Keto Pure Diet?

Keto Pure  Diet is a natural and safe supplement to make your keto weight loss better. It helps in weight loss by giving you control over your body for the food cravings. It makes your dream of a slender body come true with no extra effort.
The Keto Pure Diet supplement is designed to improve the outcomes of a keto diet. It improves the level of ketosis by providing energy supply to the body. That’s why adding it to your diet doesn’t let you feel lethargic or weak. Remember that this supplement only works when you combine it with a “keto” diet and no other type of diet

What is Ketosis?

The renowned keto diet is a low-carb diet that can help with losing extra weight and may even offer some health benefits. There are a number of studies that show that following a ketogenic diet can help with conditions such as cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and epilepsy.
Many people confuse keto with other diets such as the Atkins diet. While it may share similarities due to its low-carb rule, it is overall different.
Since the carb content is very low, a person has to take high fats in the diet. Doing this pushes the body into a metabolic state known as ketosis which then leads to fat burn and weight loss.
When the body is in such a state, the weight loss is usually extremely drastic and quick. It also causes the body to transform the fat in the liver into ketones in order to provide energy to the brain.
Additionally, following a keto-based routine can also help with conditions such as diabetes. Keto diet affects insulin function, blood sugar levels, and metabolism. All of these are connected to type 2 diabetes. Following a keto may not only improve these factors but also help with the effectiveness of the diabetic medication.
What else can you gain from following a keto diet? A number of studies show that a keto diet can help with chronic conditions as well as neurological disorders.
Since keto improves factors such as body fat content, HDL levels, blood sugar levels, cholesterol, and blood pressure, it may help with several complications. For example, heart diseases are linked with all the aforementioned factors and can, therefore, be managed more effectively with a ketogenic diet.
Secondly, a keto diet may also help with conditions such as cancer, Parkinson’s disease, acne, epilepsy, brain injuries, Alzheimer’s disease, and polycystic ovarian syndrome.

How does Keto Pure Diet help to lose weight?

Although the keto diet works in the majority of the cases, some people may need to put in an extra effort. Even after keeping a strict check on the carb intake and macros, it may still be hard for many to lose the extra weight. In such a situation, supplements such as Keto Pure Diet come in handy.
There are a lot of pills available in the market currently that are manufactured in accordance with the needs of a keto diet. However, for those who are concerned with the ingredients of such supplements, Keto Pure Diet may be a good option.
In consonance with its manufacturers, the Keto Pure Diet supplements contain 100% natural ingredients. They may help in getting rid of the stubborn fat that does not melt no matter how hard you try.
While being on keto, many people feel drained and low on energy levels, especially during the initial stages. Keto Pure Diet may provide energy and burn fat at the same time. Secondly, it can also be taken for up to three months after achieving the ideal weight.
Taking Keto Pure Diet for a few months following weight loss can help in stabilizing the appetite while maintaining health and fitness. Ideally, a person will be able to avoid the post-diet weight gain that typically happens 1-2 weeks after changes in diet.
Therefore, if you feel like you are not getting the results you desire from your typical keto diet, considering Keto Pure Diet may be a good idea.

The ingredient list of Keto Pure Diet

The major ingredients in Keto Pure diet are as follows.
  • Calcium Beta-Hydroxybutyrate
  • Beta-Hydroxybutyrate
  • Rice Flour
  • Exogenous Ketone
  • Magnesium Stearate
  • Silicon Dioxide
  • Gelatin
  • Sodium Beta-Hydroxybutyrate
All these ingredients are mixed in a perfect recipe. This combination of ingredients is responsible for all the best effects of Keto Pure Diet that you may experience.

Best about Keto Pure Diet 

Keto Pure Diet is getting popularity day by day. It is currently available in United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand & Ireland. There are several factors contributing to it. For example.
  • It has multiple health benefits and weight loss is just one of them.
  • It helps you to get over unnecessary carbohydrate cravings and hunger pangs.
  • It boosts the energy levels and makes you active for the whole day.
  • It burns fats for energy and not carbs. This way it releases all the stored fats and makes your body look slimmer.
  • It improves the efficiency of the standard keto diet.

Things to Keep In Mind

There are many people that take pills while following the keto diet. But if you have not started the diet yet or have just begun, it may be a better decision to wait for some time before thinking about supplements.
If you suffer from any health condition, including the ones the keto diet helps with, it is important to consult your doctor before starting any new diet.
If you are following the keto diet while being on any kind of medication, the same rule also applies. This is because medicines of particular health complications and supplements can interact and have unwanted consequences many times. Ask your doctor whether you can take Keto Pure Diet or any other supplement of your choice in detail before making a decision.
Make sure to not buy any subpar quality or fake supplements. In the case of Keto Pure Diet, you can order your bottles directly from their website. Do not go for any untrustworthy source of supplements.
Taking supplements can be of great help but they do not work as fast if you do not maintain your diet. Do not cheat very frequently and make sure to calculate your caloric and carb intake. It is also not very hard to keep a check on these things while eating out.
If you are not sure about how to follow a diet and which foods should you incorporate into your daily intake, a quick 30 minutes research is more than enough. There are many diet plans available online that you can consider.
Another way of ensuring good results is by consulting a professional dietician who will give you a proper diet plan that is in accordance with your meals. Doing this typically gives better results since many make mistakes and consume high-carb foods accidentally.
To remain active and for general better health, do not forget to exercise for at least 30-45 minutes on a daily basis. You can do any sort of activity that fulfills your physical requirement including jogging with your dog, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or taking a dance class.
Lastly, if you see any side effects, with the exception of common ones such as keto flu, discontinue the diet and your supplements and consult a health professional as soon as possible.

Tuesday, March 1, 2022


A Newcastle University team has discovered that Type 2 diabetes can be reversed by an extreme low calorie diet alone.

Affecting two and half million people in the UK – and on the increase – Type 2 diabetes is a long-term condition caused by too much glucose, a type of sugar, in the blood.

In an early stage clinical trial of 11 people, funded by Diabetes UK, all reversed their diabetes by drastically cutting their food intake to just 600 calories a day for two months. And three months later, seven remained free of diabetes.

Professor Roy Taylor of Newcastle University who led the study and also works for the Newcastle-Upon-Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust said: “To have people free of diabetes after years with the condition is remarkable - and all because of an eight week diet.

“This is a radical change in understanding Type 2 diabetes. It will change how we can explain it to people newly diagnosed with the condition. While it has long been believed that someone with Type 2 diabetes will always have the disease, and that it will steadily get worse, we have shown that we can reverse the condition.”

The results of the diet shown to reverse Type 2 diabetes

Research revealed at the American Diabetes Association conference and published in Diabetologia transforms thinking on diabetes. It demonstrates that people who go on a very low calorie diet can remove fat which is clogging up the pancreas allowing normal insulin secretion to be restored.

Traditionally, it has been thought that as a progressive condition, Type 2 diabetes can be controlled by diet initially then tablets, but may eventually require insulin injections.

Type 2 diabetes, which was once known as adult-onset diabetes, is now found in young adults and children. It is caused by too much glucose in the blood due to the pancreas not producing enough insulin - a hormone which breaks down glucose into energy in the cells – or due to the body not reacting to it, known as insulin sensitivity.

Under close supervision of a medical team, 11 people who had developed diabetes later in life were put on an extreme diet of just 600 calories a day consisting of liquid diet drinks plus 200 calories of non-starchy vegetables. They were matched to a control group of people without diabetes and then monitored over eight weeks. Insulin production from their pancreas and fat content in the liver and pancreas were studied.

After just one week, the Newcastle University team found that their pre-breakfast blood sugar levels had returned to normal

A special MRI scan of their pancreas revealed that the fat levels in the pancreas had returned from an elevated level to normal (from around 8% to 6%). In step with this, the pancreas regained the normal ability to make insulin and as a result, blood sugar after meals steadily improved.

The volunteers were then followed-up three months later. During this time they had returned to eating normally but had received advice on portion size and healthy eating. Of the ten people re-tested, seven remained free of diabetes.

“We believe this shows that Type 2 diabetes is all about energy balance in the body,” explained Professor Taylor, if you are eating more than you burn, then the excess is stored in the liver and pancreas as fat which can lead to Type 2 diabetes in some people. What we need to examine further is why some people are more susceptible to developing diabetes than others.”

Dr Iain Frame, Director of Research at Diabetes UK, said: “We welcome the results of this research because it shows that Type 2 diabetes can be reversed, on a par with successful surgery without the side effects. However, this diet is not an easy fix and Diabetes UK strongly recommends that such a drastic diet should only be undertaken under medical supervision. Despite being a very small trial, we look forward to future results particularly to see whether the reversal would remain in the long term.”

Patients or GPs who would like more information about the diet that reverses Type 2 diabetes see the Magnetic Resonance Centre website.

“I no longer needed my diabetes tablets”

Gordon Parmley, 67, from Stocksfield in Northumberland took part in the trial. He said: “I love playing golf but I was finding that when I was out on the course sometimes my vision would go fuzzy and I would have trouble focussing. It was after this that I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. That was about six years ago and from then on, I had to control the diabetes with a daily combination of tablets - the diabetes drug, gliclazide and tablets for my cholesterol.

“When my doctor mentioned the trial I thought I would give it a go as it might help me and other diabetics. I came off my tablets and had three diet shakes a day and some salad or vegetables but it was very, very difficult and I’m not sure I’d have done it without the support of my wife who went on a diet alongside me.

“At first the hunger was quite severe and I had to distract myself with something else – walking the dog, playing golf – or doing anything to occupy myself and take my mind off food but I lost an astounding amount of weight in a short space of time.

“At the end of the trial, I was told my insulin levels were normal and after six years, I no longer needed my diabetes tablets. Still today, 18 months on, I don’t take them. It’s astonishing really that a diet – hard as it was – could change my health so drastically. After six years of having diabetes I can tell the difference - I feel better, even walking round the golf course is easier.

Reference: Reversal of type 2 diabetes: normalisation of beta cell function in association with decreased pancreas and liver triacylglycerol, E. L. Lim & K. G. Hollingsworth & B. S. Aribisala & M. J. Chen & J. C. Mathers & R. Taylor. Diabetologia. DOI 10.1007/s00125-011-2204-7

Update from August 2013: Following media publicity for this research, Professor Roy Taylor has advised the Hairy Bikers for the BBC series "Hairy Dieters: How to love food and lose weight", aided journalist Richard Doughty in returning his blood sugar to normal levels after a diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes and completed numerous media interviews. For interviews with Prof Taylor please call the University press office: 0191 208 7850

Update from 1 March 2016: Professor Roy Taylor participated in a live interview on Reddit AMA, where he answered questions about reversing Type 2 diabetes.

Monday, February 28, 2022

7 Smart and Easy Weight Watchers Snack Thoughts

Weight Watchers snacks are a key part of the popular food plan program's success. whilst you be a part of Weight Watchers, no foods are off limits so that you can pick out to eat anything you want between meals. however, if you need to narrow down correctly and preserve the pounds from coming again, you'll use authorized Weight Watchers snack thoughts and maintain your SmartPoints values in line.

how to pick out Weight Watchers Snacks

at the same time as you're on the Weight Watchers application, you need to calculate SmartPoints for your snacks and food. You don't bother with fat grams or energy. "the new SmartPoints plan makes more healthy ingesting simply by using translating complex nutritional records into one easy range," says Laura Smith, Product, and meals software Innovation supervisor at Weight Watchers.

Laura explains that every member has a daily SmartPoints goal personalized to their weight, top, gender, and age. "We inspire members to plan for snacks to suit into their every day SmartPoints goal."

The specific components for calculating SmartPoints values are available to individuals once they are part of. In trendy, snacks which can be filled with appropriate nutrients and low in empty calories are the best snacks for Weight Watchers. "the new plan nudges individuals closer to a pattern of eating that includes more lean protein, fruits and veggies, less sugar and less saturated fat."

  • foods with better quantities of sugar and saturated fat have higher SmartPoints values.
  • foods with higher quantities of protein have to decrease SmartPoints values.
  • Many lean proteins like bird and seafood are lower in SmartPoints values.
  • sweet treats like truffles, cookies, and sugar-sweetened liquids are higher in SmartPoints.
  • All fresh culmination and most veggies are 0 SmartPoints.

7 clever Weight Watchers Snack ideas

whilst you're at the Weight Watchers program, you should purchase snacks through the program or you may make your personal. As you may assume, while you prepare your own snacks, you could save a few money. but once in a while, the bars and treats supplied by using the enterprise are the maximum convenient way to maintain your food regimen heading in the right direction.

if you're seeking out the satisfactory Weight Watchers snacks, take into account these picks encouraged via Laura:

  • Chocolate Pretzel Blast Mini Bar (2 SmartPoints). Laura says this treat is high-quality for dieters with a sweet tooth. you can purchase them at a Weight Watchers meeting or online and also you must not be a member of Weight Watchers to buy them.
  • candy and Salty Toffee Twist Snack Bar (four SmartPoints). If you want sweet treats but still experience a salty, crunchy treat at snack time, this bar might be exceptional for you. Laura says that crunchy snacks and minibars like those are fan favorites. you can buy them on Amazon.com, at the Weight Watcher web site, or in meetings.
  • Hummus Snack Packs (three SmartPoints). This clutch-and-move alternative comes with protein crackers so you get eight grams of protein in each serving. And you may pick both a traditional hummus flavor or a roasted purple pepper style hummus for a further kick.
  • Air-popped Popcorn (2 SmartPoints consistent with 2-cup serving). in case you opt to make your very own snacks at domestic, popcorn is one of the high-quality Weight Watchers snacks. Air popped popcorn is easy, convenient, and smooth to hold. And in case you don't like undeniable popcorn, Laura recommends which you taste it with a chunk of coconut oil, sugar, and cinnamon, or cross savory with lime juice and chili powder to taste.

  • Mini Packs of Peanut Butter or Almond Butter (6 SmartPoints). Many healthy eaters love peanut butter, but it's smooth to devour an excessive amount of it. So pre-portioned packs of nut butter are ideal Weight Watchers snacks. manufacturers like Justin's provide mini packs that are easy to carry and provide just the proper amount.
  • Freeze-dried Fruit (1-2 SmartPoints in line with 1/4 cup serving). consistent with Laura, freeze-dried fruit can satisfy candy teeth and need for crunch. devour a handful alone or sprinkle it on top of oatmeal or simple non-fat Greek yogurt for a heartier, flavorful snack. but she recommends that you steer clear of brands that have brought sugar within the factor listing.
  • homemade Ice Pops (2 SmartPoints according to serving). This snack idea is perfect on a warm summer time day whilst you want a fresh snack. Laura recommends the recipe for Raspberry Yogurt Pops within the Weight Watchers own family food cookbook. Or you could make up your personal recipe. blend 2 cups fruit of your desire like banana, strawberries, and peaches in a meals processor with ¼ cup of unsweetened almond milk, pour into ice pop molds and freeze for at least 4 hours. in line with Laura, "you’ll have a fresh snack smooth to grab whilst you need it that doesn’t have brought sugar or preservatives."

Weight Watchers Snacks to satisfy every craving

the majority—and definitely most dieters—crave a pure form of food. possibly you've got a candy tooth. Or maybe you just can not say no to baked goods or crunchy salty snacks. it's clever to have a go-to Weight Watchers-pleasant snack that you may make that maintains your software on track.

right here are extraordinary varieties of Weight Watchers snacks to fulfill your unique tastes:

Crunchy Weight Watchers snacks: attempt Crispy Italian Wontons for flavor and crunch. the Weight Watchers recipe is just 2 SmartPoints consistent with serving. Or attempt crispy French fries made with veggie sticks (choose from an expansion of greens). in case you love traditional French fries made with russet potatoes, use this Crispy Baked Fries recipe to make a nutritious snack with much fewer fats.

Savory Weight Watchers snacks: nothing is more deliciously savory than loaded potato skins. How approximately attempting Pepperoni Pizza Potato Skins? the burden Watchers snack recipe is simply eight SmartPoints per serving. If you like spinach, do that Low-Calorie Potato Skins recipe this is cheesy and nutritious.

candy Weight Watchers snacks: sure, it's actual. you may enjoy sweet and yummy cookies at the same time as you are on the Weight Watchers weight loss plan. attempt their Chocolate Chile Cookies for simply three SmartPoints according to serving. Or bake a batch of Chocolate Chip Meringue Cookies for the same number of points. yearning peanut butter? try this Skillet Peanut Butter Cinnamon Spice Cookie that is made with blood-sugar reducing cinnamon.

Salty Weight Watchers snacks: Who doesn't love pork Nachos? strive the burden Watchers recipe for 3 SmartPoints according to serving. Or do that Low-Carb Nachos Recipe that uses veggie chips in preference to tortillas.

how many Weight Watchers Snacks according to Day?

there may be no encouraging wide variety of snacks to eat every day when you're at the Weight Watchers program. "participants are recommended to eat in a manner that works for them," says Laura. so that you must create a snack plan that works with your lifestyle and your agenda.

"Many participants pick to comprise snacks in-between food, including fruits or veggies with a healthful fat or protein like a few nuts or seeds, hummus or low-fat or fats-loose cheese, and from time to time a small post-dinner treat. We additionally paintings with our individuals to inspire small behavioral modifications that they can use to stay heading in the right direction all through the day." She says that planning and prepping snacks in advance of time is a crucial talent for dieters to analyze.

So what snacks does Laura use whilst she wishes a brief chunk? "I continually turn to culmination and vegetables first as they’re complete of nutrients like vitamins and minerals, evidently-taking place sugars, and that they’re zero SmartPoints." She says she uses the one's meals as a base and then adds toppings or sides that are additionally full of nutrients, together with peanut butter, skim or low-fat cheese, hummus, or hardboiled eggs. She says this mixture facilitates to make the snack sense greater sizable.

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Do They Work? — Vegan Weight Loss Plans

Are you considering a vegan weight loss plan? With the increasing emphasis on plant-based diets for advanced fitness, more customers are turning to a vegan consuming fashion to change their bodies. but is higher health a slam-dunk whilst you ditch meat and dairy? And are vegan weight reduction plans the best way to narrow down? now not usually, say the specialists. it is crucial to realize what you're in for before you move all in with this eating plan.

what's a Vegan weight loss program?

commonly, a vegan diet is one which includes fruit, vegetables, grains, seeds, oils, legumes. whilst you pass vegan, you don't eat meat, dairy, fish, shellfish, eggs, hen, or any meals that consist of these substances (such as sure protein powders, fish oil supplements, gelatin, lard, margarine made with whey). a few vegans additionally avoid bee merchandise.

There are distinctive kinds of vegan diets. for instance, a few vegans most effective eat whole ingredients—or ingredients which are in their authentic form. an entire food vegan might no longer eat any food that has been processed, although it's been synthetic without meat, dairy, or fish. "Forks Over Knives" is a famous whole-meals vegan food regimen. There also are raw meals vegans, low-fat vegans, and what some human beings talk to as "junk meals vegans" or "lazy vegans" who depend on processed meat and cheese alternatives.

human beings choose a vegan weight-reduction plan for special motives and often for a mixture of reasons. One look at confirmed that the most famous motive for deciding on a vegan food regimen is to help greater humane remedy of animals. those vegans may also keep away from garb or different merchandise which are made from animals, poultry, fish, or bees. One worldwide research study published in the journal appetite located that folks that chose a vegan weight loss program for ethical reasons were probably to stick to the food plan longer than folks that follow the program for different reasons.

human beings may additionally pick out a vegan lifestyle due to the fact they experience it's miles higher for the surroundings. numerous studies studies have recommended that a vegan weight loss plan is higher for the planet than different diets, which include the popular Mediterranean diet.

but a large quantity of humans pick out a vegan life-style for fitness reasons. there's convincing proof that a plant-primarily based eating regimen is higher for preserving a lean body, improved coronary heart fitness, and toughness. however research effects range. And now not each food regimen is right for every eater.

Is a Vegan diet wholesome?

while you switch to a vegan food regimen from a preferred American weight loss program, you're probably to advantage fitness benefits honestly because you placed extra effort and time into planning food and selecting foods. many of us who devour a typical American weight loss program eat convenience ingredients that offer more fats and protein than we need. And in case you currently don't consume the encouraged consumption of culmination, greens, and whole grains, you're likely to experience higher while you begin to encompass more of those nutritious ingredients to your weight-reduction plan.

Annie B. Kay, MS, RDN, C-IAYT is an integrative registered dietitian nutritionist certified in Massachusetts. She is also the lead nutritionist at the Kripalu middle for Yoga & fitness. As part of the middle's signature weight loss program, she encourages a whole food, plant-primarily based food plan with adjustments to in shape each player's way of life.

She says that even in a brief 5-day period she sees positive changes when customers switch to the consuming style. "everything approximately their physical appearance adjustments in an amazing way," she says, including that people frequently report feeling more clean. "The magic is the fresh fruit and veggies, which are the maximum nutrient-dense foods in the food supply. despite the fact that they hold to eat a piece of meat, but less, and greater vegetables, it works."

whether or not or no longer a vegan food plan is wholesome for you (or as a minimum more healthy than your modern-day weight loss program) can also depend on the kind of vegan diet which you follow. One study, published inside the journal of the american university of Cardiology as compared a big quantity of women who ate a healthy vegan weight loss plan (together with complete grains, end result, greens, nuts, legumes, oils, tea and espresso) to those who ate a much less healthful vegan weight loss program (which include juices, sweetened beverages, delicate grains, potatoes, fries, and sweets). Researchers concluded that the more healthy vegan weight loss plan led to considerably lower danger for coronary heart ailment, whereas the much less wholesome vegan weight loss plan changed into associated with a higher threat.

different studies research have said similar findings. Scientists have observed that a vegan weight-reduction plan can also lessen—or maybe reverse—your threat for coronary artery disorder, reduce your chance of kind-2 diabetes, and offer different fitness blessings while nice plant-primarily based foods are selected.

some research caution, however, that humans following a vegan weight loss plan have to take into account using appropriate dietary supplements, if vital. In a few instances, key nutrients like iron and zinc can be missing. Kay suggests that if you have fitness or clinical issues (like pre-diabetes or diabetes, or most cancers), or have an athletic way of life, then taking time with a registered dietitian will assist make sure that your vegan weight-reduction plan is ok in your man or woman desires.

Does Vegan weight loss work?

Many people pick a vegan weight loss plan to shed pounds. Kay says that growing the flowers you eat is by way of some distance the quickest and easiest first step to achieve a healthy weight. And some research helps using a vegan food plan for weight loss.

A massive analysis of research published within the journal of general internal remedy mentioned that a vegan weight loss program turned into probably to bring about weight loss even extra than a vegetarian eating regimen. some other look at published within the magazine obesity stated greater weight loss with a vegan consuming fashion whilst compared with a low-fats diet. And a study published inside the magazine nutrition additionally pronounced vegan diets had been more effective for weight reduction than different diets.

however nutritional studies may be elaborate. just because examine individuals in a controlled setting lost weight on a vegan weight loss plan would not mean that it will be just right for you. There can be demanding situations or barriers on your life that aren't found in a research surroundings. as an instance, if getting first-class whole foods is tough, you might choose processed merchandise and now not obtain the overall blessings of a vegan weight-reduction plan.

every other issue is adherence. whether or not or no longer you may stick to the plan may additionally impact the blessings you benefit from going vegan. whilst scientists studied adherence for a document posted in consuming Behaviors, they determined that sticking to a vegan weight loss program changed into no more hard than sticking to other diets. despite the fact that they introduced that even if individuals did not absolutely stick to the vegan eating regimen, they nonetheless lost more weight than have a look at contributors on different diets.

however nonetheless, most nutrition researchers agree that the best weight loss program for you is the weight-reduction plan you may keep on with for life. And now not all weight loss program researchers agree that a vegan weight loss plan is first-class. If absolutely doing away with meat, dairy, eggs, and fish causes pressure-related overeating or poor exceptional food picks you then're not likely to narrow down.

whilst losing weight is your intention, Kays says you should not anticipate that going vegan will result in weight loss. "it's clean nowadays to be vegan and follow a virtually unhealthful weight-reduction plan full of low-first-rate refined carbohydrates (like flavored popcorn, potato chips, white bread, and sugary baked items) and processed soy-meat-substitutes." rather, she suggests that you "do vegan proper by using specializing in greens and sparkling fruit, and 86f68e4d402306ad3cd330d005134dac protein from seeds, beans, nuts and complete grains."

a way to start a Vegan weight-reduction plan

in case you compare the professionals and cons of a vegan food plan and select to provide it a try, make an effort to evaluate sample vegan meal plans. pick out foods and dishes that appear attractive then fill your kitchen with the one's elements. If you can devour foods which can be scrumptious, pleasant, and healthy you are much more likely to keep this system.

in case you find vegan recipes and food plans too complex or strange, then pick one or days according to a week to eat a plant-based totally weight-reduction plan. Or pick one meal every day to test with vegan meals and recipes. Small steps will have a big effect. "take into account that even if you consume much less meat and ramp up the vegetables, you'll still benefit the benefit of a plant-primarily based eating regimen," says Kay.

A phrase From WeightLossHelps

A vegan diet for weight loss is a clever desire for some, but not for anyone. earlier than making the transfer, ask your self a few important questions. Do you've got get entry to healthful vegan foods? How will this impact your weekly food prices? Do you consume out regularly will you have vegan alternatives to your preferred eating place's menu? can you go to a registered dietitian to help installation a healthy vegan ingesting plan to be able to supply not most effective essential macronutrients (protein, carbohydrate, and fat) however additionally essential micronutrients (nutrients and minerals) to help your body function properly?

If vegan consuming doesn't seem do-in a position for you, make small modifications to obtain the rewards of a plant-based weight loss program. these small steps will enhance your weight loss plan and can provide you with fitness advantages consisting of weight loss and lifelong wellness.

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Low-Carb Diet FOR Weight Loss

Low-Carb Diet Committing daily changing the manner you eat takes effort, so it is an herbal daily surprise in case your efforts will pay off—and while. The truth about low-carb diets for weight loss is that it is very hard daily predict who will lose weight, how a great deal they'll lose, and the way lengthy it will take. There are simply daily many variables at play. while many research has proven people can shed pounds on low-carb diets, the weight reduction experienced through members in studies on the low-carb weight-reduction plan isn't always what you may experience.

That being said, most people can count on day-to-day lose a few weight on every occasion they make nutritional modifications along with reducing their carb consumption. Armed with the science in the back of the eating regimen, you'll be able to better understand how, and why, it works.

Earlier Than You start

knowing what your frame does in response to day-to-day dietary changes in addition to the timeline it follows can inform your weight reduction estimates and preserve you on the right tune as your development. This widespread overview shows what occurs at some stage in the first month you are committing daily a low-carb weight loss program.

Week 1

during the first week, there might be a shift in your frame's metabolism. rather than frequently the usage of glucose for electricity, your frame will switch every day the usage of typically fat.

some weight loss at the outset is normal—however at this stage, you are losing water, not fat. The glucose stored in our liver for easy use by our body for energy takes the shape of a molecule daily glycogen. these molecules are sure up with a lot of water. when you first begin a low-carb diet, the stored glycogen is launched and broken down, along side the water that comes with it.

folks who limit carbohydrate intake daily less than 50 grams a day (which is considered day-to-day low-carb weight loss plan) typically see a extra profound loss at this stage than people who stick with a weight loss plan of 60 and a hundred thirty grams of carbohydrates every day.

however, for the reason that common American weight loss plan consists of approximately 200 day-to-day 300 grams of carbohydrates day by day, any discount in carbs is in all likelihood to produce a noticeable change.

one of the exciting (and every day discouraging) things about losing water weight is that once it is gone, it would not stay away. if you return every day consuming a better degree of carbohydrates, you'll virtually boom your glycogen day-to-day, causing water-weight benefit clearly in a single day.

Even in case, you don't start consuming greater carbohydrates, your body's glycogen every day progressively construct back up. This replacement glucose is now being processed from protein (a.ok.a. gluconeogenesis) in preference to carbs. This transfer is essential, as your frame wishes day-to-day hold a certain stage of blood glucose as well as reserve daily.

in case you're anxiously monitoring lost pounds, these shifts may be troubling for you. Even whilst you're dropping fats, fluctuations in fluid tiers could make it day-to-day you're experiencing a stall in weight reduction (day-to-day day-to-day a plateau).

As your body is adjusting, day-to-day keep away from turning into every day centered on the scale.

Week 2

After every week of curler-coaster-like metabolic shifts, the second one week of a low-carb diet is a whole lot greater stable. if you reply nicely daily a low-carb diet, this is the factor at which most of the people will every day enjoy actual fats loss.

if you're not seeing adjustments, do not despair: a few our bodies take a little longer every day alter. persistence is key!

Week two is a good time day-to-day in with your weight loss program and ensure that you're which includes lots of wholesome carb alternatives everyday make up for the carbs you have cut out. Many culmination, vegetables, grains, dairy products have carbs, but you will be getting more fats and proteins, every day.

intention every day selects healthy sources of protein and fat (daily monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat) maximum of the time, along with:

  • Avocado
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Olive oil
  • healthful fats-wealthy fish, like salmon

end FRUIT and VEGETABLES may be a solid of your eating regimen, however, be sure daily awareness on low-carb alternatives consisting of:

  • Broccoli and cauliflower
  • Spinach and kale
  • Bell peppers
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Asparagus
  • Melons (cantaloupe and watermelon)
  • Strawberries

Weeks 3 and 4

during the second half of the primary month on a low-carb eating regimen, your body will usually day-to-day settle into a pattern of weight loss. The rate at that you lose weight will depend on many every day, the maximum distinguished of which a whole lot weight day-to-day lose. people who start a low-carb food regimen with much less fat every day lose normally shed pounds more slowly than those who commenced out with greater.

After the primary couple of weeks on a low-carb weight-reduction plan, people may lose among 1/2 a pound and kilos every week, which is taken into consideration a healthful rate.

the usual advice is day-to-day weigh yourself once per week in place of each day. The regular 66b34c3da3a0593bd135e66036f9aef3 weight fluctuations in body weight come from your body's fluid balance, how much fiber you devour, and different day-to-day. in case you are having a menstrual cycle, you may determine no longer every day weigh yourself during the second 1/2 of your cycle—in particular if you generally tend day-to-day preserve water.

choose a steady time of day daily weigh your self. humans frequently favor to weigh themselves first aspect in the morning after going day-to-day the bathroom however before eating. those every day make it clean to paste daily a routine in addition to make the nice viable foundation for comparison.

Continued Weight Reduction

A massive 2012 evaluate study determined that the average weight loss of over 1,000 overweight folks who accompanied a low-carb diet become about 15 pounds after three to six months.

At a two-year follow-up, the average weight loss had leveled at approximately 10 pounds. whilst there has been nevertheless a discount, this statistics shows human beings do have a tendency everyday gain returned some of the load they to start with lose on a low-carb weight loss program.

The overview concluded that low-carb/excessive-protein diets can be more effective than low-fats diets at six months and at the least as powerful at 365 days.

Low-Carb vs. Low-Calorie

you will be surprised daily hear that on a low-carb weight-reduction plan, weight reduction, in particular, takes place within the equal way as with another weight loss diet: eating fewer energy than you deplete (creating a calorie deficit).

whilst a low-calorie food plan has an externally imposed calorie limit, a low-carb food regimen reduces your frame's desire for energy. you may consider it as converting call for in preference to the delivery of food.

Carbohydrate reduction seems everyday paintings at the appetite in a couple of approaches, consisting of by altering levels of hormones that regulate your frame's hunger and satiety indicators.

In terms of specific weight reduction, a few studies suggest that humans lose about the equal quantity of weight on a low-carb weight loss program as on a low-calorie food plan, even though they are not told daily limit the quantity of food they devour (just the quantity of carbohydrates).

A word From Verywell

if you find a low-carb weight-reduction plan allows you to manage your weight and you don't feel deprived of excessive-carb foods, it is able every day be the right choice for you. it is really worth noting that some research has shown low-carb diets may be hard every day live on for a protracted period of time. when you're considering changing your eating conduct, daily you are most probably every day stay with a food plan that consists of healthful meals you experience as well as produces consequences. before starting any food regimen, check with your daily every day ensure the plan you're thinking about is a safe alternative for you.